Convert the existing building into an emergency shelter. The project involves the following but not limited to: • Removal and proper disposal of existing roof membranes, mechanical curbs, flashing and insulation down to roof deck including temporary removal of roof equipment.
• Add structure systems and install new, rigid insulation roof system and flashing to meet local hurricane and building codes, including installation of new curbs (per code); reinstalling of rooftop equipment and electric disconnects; extension of plumbing vents; and relocations of communication cable.
• Make structural modifications to the existing exterior concrete block walls in accordance with design drawings to meet local hurricane and building codes.
• Note existing construction drawings show that vermiculite was used within the concrete block cells that do not have brick veneer. According to the EPA vermiculite may contain asbestos therefore the city is currently engaging a certified testing agency to verify if the vermiculite exists and if it contains asbestos. The results will be addressed during the bidding process.
• Access to install structural modifications from the exterior side of the concrete block walls may require temporary removal of existing brick veneer and precast elements, including pruning back or temporary removal of landscape to be replaced in kind.
• Access to install structural modifications from the interior side of the concrete block walls may be require the following: ~Temporary removal of acoustic ceiling tile system including batt insulation and electric fixtures. Acoustic ceiling tile system and electrical fixtures shall be replaced in kind. ~ Existing batt insulation to be disposed of and will not be required to be reinstalled in existing ceiling. Contractor to provide 192 square feet (3 cases of plain white 2x4 lay-in ceiling tile) of acoustic tile to allow for replacement of damaged tile. ~ Interior floors and base to be protected (no work). Access to top of perimeter footings shall be from the exterior only. ~ Temporary removal of plumbing fixtures, accessories and equipment in the toilet rooms and kitchen area to be required in kind. ~ Prior to cutting into any walls utilities within walls should be located including being temporarily turned off.
• Installation of new NOA approved hurricane screen wall to protect existing equipment to meet local hurricane and building code, including the following: ~ Installation of equipment will require rotation of existing rooftop unit on new curb to accommodate required equipment access per code, therefore requiring reconfiguration of HVAC ductwork as required to maintain existing mechanical system balance.
• Remove and properly dispose of existing exterior doors and replace with like sized NOA approved hurricane impact resistant doors as follows: ~ (Two) hollow metal pair doors and frame/saddle. ~ (One) hollow metal door and frame/saddle. ~ (Two) Storefront pair doors with transom glazing and frame/saddle. ~ (Two) Storefront doors and frame/saddle.
• Remove and properly dispose of three (3) existing exterior windows and replace with like-size NOA approved hurricane impact resistant windows.
• Restore exterior finishes disturbed during roof, wall, window and door installation with caulking and painting surfaces.
• Restore interior finishes disturbed during roof, wall, HVAC, window and door installation with caulking and painting surfaces.
• Installation of a new natural gas emergency electric generator commensurate with design requirements, including transfer switch, associated electrical upgrades, concrete generator pad and hurricane rated code compliant enclosure.