Canton Central School District Campus Study


Canton Central School District


Canton, NY


The study performed on the Canton OH Central School District Campus, focused on the parent drop-off area of Banford Elementary School; faculty/staff/student parking lot; parent drop-off area/parking area adjacent McKenney Middle School; bus drop-off loop intersections; conflicts that occur between the parent vehicles and pedestrians during morning arrival; and parking related issues during afterschool events.

Two overarching goals of the Traffic Study were to: 1) enhance the safety of on-site pedestrians and 2) improve traffic circulation and parking operations, notably during peak events. Collected detailed traffic and safety information during arrival, dismissal, and event-related periods, as well as documented on-site hourly parking in 14 separate areas. Developed alternative recommendations related to increased parking capacity during special events, improved parent loops, and improved signage and wayfinding.

Completed by SRF Associates, now a division of Passero Associates.