Carpenter Park Medical Office and Housing


Park Grove Realty


Ithaca, NY

Total Cost

$50 Million


This project includes the development of a 5-story medical office building for Cayuga Medical; 2 mixed-use buildings with office and retail on the first floor; 166 market rate apartments, and a 3-story 42-unit work force housing project that was recently funded in 2021. An extension of the existing Carpenter Park Drive, from Third Street to Green Star provides connectivity to the Ithaca Farmers Market.

Passero is working along with Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT, Inc.) to effectively provide access to the site while deterring thru traffic within the site.
The development required a very detailed traffic demand analysis and corresponding mitigation for TCAT, Inc., and NYSDOT to help with improving traffic concerns and volume. A Traffic Demand Management (TDM) plan was put in place to improve pedestrian circulation, and encourage multi-modal transportation.