Chili Fire Department New Firehouse Interiors


Chili Fire Department


Chili, NY

Total Cost

$9.4 M


Passero Associates started working with Chili Fire Department in 2010, master planning the redevelopment of their headquarters station and training facility.                                             

Passero Associates provided programming, master planning, feasibility studies, and architectural and site design services for Chili Fire Department’s replacement of its Station No. 1. Included services were site selection/analysis, existing building analysis, feasibility study, programming, needs analysis, concept design, site design, and cost estimating. Future phases include pre-referendum services including municipal financing, neighbor and outreach services, marketing services, local approvals, final design, bidding and construction phase services. Christa Construction is providing construction management and cost estimating services.                                                                                                                                               

* Passero has worked with the Town of Chili for over 10 years - since the project inception.