Flower City Park and Parkdale Terrace Streetscape and Curb Replacement


City of Rochester


Rochester, NY

Total Cost



Passero Associates provided construction observation services for 2,400 LF of curb replacement, new driveway aprons, new catch basins, new sidewalks,  milling and pavement repairs, topsoil and seeding on Flower City Park. The project also consisted of over 1,900 LF of curb replacement on Parkdale Terrace, all new 5’ wide concrete sidewalks, new driveway aprons, new water services, curb stops boxes, roadway trench repairs, topsoil and hydro seeding. Passero was  also responsible for assisting the contractor on properly aligning new granite curb with the existing street profile, selecting sidewalk replacement, daily quantities and reports, observation of all aspects of water service replacement, sidewalk replacement, curb replacement, drainage and catch basin replacement, topsoil and hydro seed.