Mount Morris-Leicester Route 36 Corridor Study


Genesee Transportation Council, Livingston County


Mount Morris and Leicester, NY

Total Cost



The Route 36 corridor is a heavily used regional transportation link serving tourism and movement of goods, as well as providing access to residential, commercial, recreational, and agricultural properties. The corridor's importance to the region is multi-faceted, and this necessitates a wide range of traffic planning objectives. This study focused on improving design, connectivity, access, and safety along the Route 36 corridor for all modes of travel.

Specific recommendations included: access management, installation of pedestrian safety features at a major intersection within the Village of Mount Morris; roadway restriping to create space for bicyclists; installation of a new roundabout at the Letchworth State Park entrance; multimodal safety improvements at an intersection experiencing frequent crashes related to speeds and alignment; trail crossing enhancements; and existing crosswalk enhancements.