Pittsford Active Transportation Plan


Town of Pittsford / Village of Pittsford


Pittsford, NY

Total Cost



SRF Associates (now Passero) was a partner to develop an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) for the Town and Village of Pittsford. As part of an overall Village and Townwide ATP, we conceptually developed a road diet plan for East Avenue (NYS Route 96) in the Town of Pittsford. The study area consisted of the segment between NYS Route 31F and Allens Creek Road. The roadway was reduced from two travel lanes in both directions to one travel lane in each direction, a center two-way left-turn lane, and painted shoulders.

This Plan assisted the communities in developing future bicycling and walking infrastructure using best practices from around the region and country. Early in the process the consultant team and the Committee took a bus/walking tour of key location throughout the Town and Village to discuss key issues and opportunities. Along with stakeholder meetings and public workshops, the process included an online survey that brought more than 800 responses.

Recommendations related to bicycling and walking included roadway restriping to accommodate bicycle facilities; road diets; shared lane markings; bike boulevards; bike routes; bike parking; sidewalks; land use and zoning updates; and programmatic strategies. Additionally, improvements to the Village core were recommended (e.g., pedestrian refuge island, relocated crosswalks, curb extensions, signage) and installed as part of a NYSDOT maintenance project.

Project Category