Runway 4-22 Rehabilitation at Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport


City of Fernandina Beach


Fernandina Beach, FL

Total Cost

$2.65 M


Passero Associates was retained by the City of Fernandina Beach to provide design, bidding and full time construction phase services for the Rehabilitation of Runway 4-22. Runway 4-22 is 5,301 feet by 100 feet wide. Design began January 2020 and was bid May 2020. Project elements include bituminous pavement milling, paving and re-profiling of the southernmost 3,800 feet, raising the Runway 4 end to conform with FAA longitudinal grade requirements, reconstructing runway threshold light pads, installing all new airfield lighting, new signs and sign panels, drainage improvements (RCP pipe lining), pavement grooving, final marking, RSA grading, and final turfing.

Construction began September 2020 and was completed January 2021. In order to keep runways operational, the contract work was separated into four phases to complete. The final phase (grooving and final marking) was completed January 2021. Passero was responsible for construction administration, full time RPR services, quality assurance material testing, and for final payment and FAA AIP grant closeout.

Project completed on-time and under budget.


ACAF Special Project Award Excellence in Pavement (David Harris)

ACAF Special Project Award Excellence in Pavement (Brad Wente)

NAPA Quality in Construction Award Excellence in Asphalt Pavements
