RWC Crothers Science and Nursing Center


SWBR Architects


Chili, NY

Total Cost

$19 Million


Construction of a new 35,000 SF Nursing and Science Center connected to the existing Smith Science building on the Roberts Wesleyan College campus in Chili, NY. The new center includes classrooms, laboratory space, an auditorium and offices, and allows students to learn in a modern facility with the latest technology and equipment. Passero Associates is responsible for design, permitting and construction administration services associated with the various site, utility, grading, drainage and parking improvements on the project site. These include utility relocations and abandonments, improvements to internal pedestrian and vehicular access and service vehicle loading operations, parking, and innovative stormwater management facilities.

In order to achieve LEED certification, incorporated several sustainable features into stormwater design, including bioswales, raingardens and reducing the amount of permeable pavement. Early involvement of the multiple approval agencies expedited the approval process. Budget was closely monitored throughout the design process to meet the client’s needs while remaining within an acceptable overall project budget.