Taxiway B Pavement & Lighting Rehabilitation at Lake City Gateway Airport


City of Lake City


Lake City, FL

Total Cost

$5.2 M


Pavement: Construct 1,600 LF of new TW B; Construct 300 LF of new TW C; Construct 4,550 LF of new TW B-1; Mill & Resurface 550 LF of existing TW B-1. Lighting: Install 152 new LED TW edge lights and 11 new LED signs along TW B, TW C, and TW B-1.

Hurricane Harvey rainfall recovery with no lost time, then direct hit by Hurricane Irma. FEMA staged gasoline tanker trucks adjacent to the project limits. Only 4 days lost. With an active wildfire season, the area served as local staging area for firefighting aircraft (4 tankers and 12 helicopters), and coordinated with US Forestry Service (based adjacent to the project limits). No lost time. Daily coordination with Client’s largest tenant, HAECO (providing major maintenance overhaul and repair to airline passenger jets for United, Jet Blue, and Southwest) to ensure minimal impacts and delays. Relocation of the NGS Primary Control Point, requiring process submittal and approval from the National Geodetic Society and the FAA, a process which took 11 months. Project completed in 292 Calendar Days and $30,000 under construction budget.


Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida Special Project Award in FDOT District 2 (2020)
