Terminal Building TSA Improvements at Adirondack Regional Airport


Town of Harrietstown


Saranac Lake, NY

Total Cost

$1.15 M


Due to increasing TSA security regulations and accompanying detection equipment requirements, the existing commercial service Terminal Building space was inadequate to accommodate passengers. Project goals were to meet TSA requirements, enhance the overall customer experience by improving traffic flow, allow for future growth, with no impact to existing airspace or parking areas and minimal disruption to customer service. The solution required successful collaboration of government (Local, FAA, TSA) agencies and private (consultants, commercial air service provider, utility) companies during both design and construction phases. The team focused initial efforts on establishing available building footprint, budget, and TSA needs. Floor planning and utility relocation design efforts then identified the most feasible solution to meet existing and near future TSA demands, and improving the overall efficiency of the Terminal Building area for all airport users. Final Planning, Design, and Construction of the Terminal Building Expansion project were ultimately completed in 28 months. The Terminal Building Expansion Project has met both current and near future Airport needs, while allowing for future growth. Advance coordination enabled the Owner to construct the project in one phase instead of two, significantly reducing impacts to customers.