Transportation and Traffic Engineering and Planning Consultants

Passero provides distinguished professional transportation planning, engineering and design consulting services to communities and private clients throughout New York and Pennsylvania. We offer expertise in Traffic Impact Analysis, Traffic Operations and Safety, Transportation Planning and Design, Access Management, Active Transportation Plans, Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety, Traffic Calming, Thoroughfare Makeover and Revitalization, Highway Design and Permitting, Signal Design, Municipal Technical Reviews, Transportation Demand Management, and Parking Solutions.


The seasoned team at Passero (formerly as part of SRF Associates) is dedicated to integrating land use and transportation plans that help stimulate economic vitality; promote improved safety, health, physical activity; and provide a greater sense of community. Our experience, passion, technical excellence, and commitment to our clients is evidenced by successfully completing over 1,500 projects in over 100 communities. We are experts at connecting people to places.


We realize the need to evaluate development within the holistic context of land-use patterns that are driven by local decision-making and planning. We take an integrated approach to balancing growth and mobility while satisfying the goal of safety and equity for all users of the transportation system, especially pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as respect for conservation of open spaces. Passero strives to enhance the quality of life for all.

Passero offers comprehensive planning, engineering, and design services to see your project through from start to finish. From developing connected, inclusive, and complete multi-modal transportation plans; performing comprehensive traffic studies; to preparing final engineering plans to get your project built, we will be with you every step of the way, delivering results. Let us help guide you through the transportation planning process.

Transportation/Traffic Engineering

  • Traffic Impact Studies
  • Traffic Simulation Modeling
  • Traffic Control Warrant Analysis
  • Traffic Signal Design
  • Signing and Pavement Marking Plans
  • Roundabout Analysis
  • Queuing Studies
  • Origin/Destination Studies
  • Trip Generation Studies
  • Pass-by Trip Studies
  • Speed Limit Studies
  • Highway and Intersection Design
  • Pedestrian Facility Design
  • Bicycle Facility Design
  • Accident Analysis
  • Roadway Safety Audits
  • Parking Access, Circulation, and Design

Transportation Planning

  • Active Transportation
  • Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
  • Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking Studies
  • Corridor Studies
  • Access Management
  • Complete Streets
  • Traffic Calming
  • Parking Demand and Supply
  • School and Campus Transportation Plans
  • Due Diligence
  • Safe Routes to School
  • Community Engagement

Traffic Data Collection

  • Turning Movement Counts
  • Pedestrian/Bicycle Counts
  • Parking Occupancy Surveys
  • Vehicle Classification Studies
  • Origin/Destination Studies
  • Queue Counts
  • Trip Generation Surveys
  • Pass-by Trip Surveys